

My name is Joe, I love movies, and I'm often horribly behind on writing reviews for movies I've seen.

Favorite films

  • Network
  • Stalker
  • Superbad
  • In the Loop

Recent activity

  • Marriage Story


  • Stuber


  • Influence


  • Charter


Recent reviews

  • Marriage Story

    Marriage Story



    It seems like the Noah Baumbach films that people talk about are his worst. It’s not bad it’s just too long to the point where some of the emotionally climactic scenes loose a lot of their stopping power.

  • Stuber



    The perfect example of a plane film. It’s mildly entertaining and stupid so it’s easy to watch in the early hours or the morning when you can’t sleep because plane seats are more uncomfortable than a chair made of loose gravel.

Popular reviews

  • Wolf Creek

    Wolf Creek


    After finally watching this movie I have no idea why foreigners still come to our country. Don't these people know this was loosely based on real events? Fuck. I don't want to ever leave the east coast again.

    The movie itself is quite good. It has a great sense of tension and John Jarratt knocks it out of the park in the role of his career. Wolf Creek is however far from perfect and suffers from an overly long first…

  • The Last Broadcast

    The Last Broadcast


    Some brilliant performances and convincingly realistic dialogue and interviews are unfortunately ruined by a clumsy ending to what is otherwise an extremely enjoyable film.