

the criticized becomes the criticizer

Favorite films

  • Blood Simple
  • Blade Runner
  • Django Unchained
  • Almost Famous

Recent activity

  • Django Unchained


  • Mickey 17


  • A Real Pain


  • Dead Man


Recent reviews

  • Django Unchained

    Django Unchained


    probably my favorite film of all time but i had never seen it on the big screen until today at a revival house. easily my favorite rewatch experience. not much to say about this classic that hasn’t been said. but if for some reason you haven’t seen tarantino’s knight in shining armor/western masterpiece, give it a try.

    worth a million watches.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    whenever i have kids, they’re gonna grow up and remember ‘mickey 17’ as being a fixture in our families saturday night film rotation. it’s funny, the story is fresh, and even the most minor of characters are memorable. if you aren’t in the mood to watch some pompous groundbreaking epic but also aren’t feeling cheap enough to rewatch ‘home alone’ for the millionth time, put on ‘mickey 17’. it bridges the gap between brainless enjoyable entertainment and thought provoking story. definitely a good time.

    without a doubt, ‘mickey 17’ is worth your watch.

Popular reviews

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    more likely than not, in the writing of this review, i am committing a serious transgression against the most beloved and otherworldly ecstasy that is cinema itself. how audacious of me to make an attempt at conjuring up words about such a polarizing experience after having seen this absolute journey of a picture just one single measly time. because truthfully? one would have to immerse themselves in this film twice or even three times before they could escape the endless…

  • A Real Pain

    A Real Pain


    something about this film reminds me of ‘before sunrise’. and not in a way that’s obvious. it has this tone that can make you feel as if you are missing a bigger but underlying picture. and for whatever reason, i like that. in its own way, there’s a feeling that the two main characters are the sum experience(s) of one singular person; the experience(s) being a fight within their inner self; one version of that person wants to be better…
