20 - he/him (🇳🇱) - drummer and bojack horseman enthusiast
Everyone go follow the GOATs @troy273 and @almightyananas
A 2000's comedy with Micheal Cera in it, an incredibly emotional and beautiful story, a Belle & Sebastian-like indie folk soundtrack and images of the American suburbs in the fall...... This is my new comfort movie. I didn't even love everything about this movie (exactly what doesn't really matter), but it just makes you feel so warm at the end. Might just be the soundtrack. I rate movies mostly on how much I want to watch them again, and I want this one playing on a loop 24/7.
My first experience watching a David Lynch movie. I expected to understand nothing, and while this was true, I did not expect to still be this invested in a film. Every scene and every piece of script feels so meticulously thought out that at some point the confusion became part of the experience and I just sat there in awe of the masterwork I was watching. I wasn't completely invested in the first half - even though the scenes were…