Qulan Dique

Qulan Dique

My favourite films are not necessarily my favourite films, but rather films that represent my mood at any given time.

Favorite films

  • The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
  • The Seventh Seal
  • Dial M for Murder
  • Blow Out

Recent activity

  • Dial M for Murder


  • Caddyshack


  • Smile 2


  • Five Nights at Freddy's


Recent reviews

  • Dial M for Murder

    Dial M for Murder


    A masterclass in creating a short story.

    Within a few hours
    One setting 
    A dilemma 
    A climax 
    An outcome 

    When something is so simple in nature-a 12 angry men approach-it can become so engaging despite the lack of setting change, it becomes microscoped, enlarged. and deliberate.

    This film transformed me into the detective, driving me to figure out the situation myself and take in all the information, to really engage with the film, which is it’s biggest achievement.

    Every slight…

  • Caddyshack



    This probably hit back in the day

Popular reviews

  • Narrow Margin

    Narrow Margin


    Arguably the most engaging train set action movie. This film just escalated perfectly, Gene Hackman is solid as he always is. 

    You could feel the tremor's from the tacky 80’s with a hint of the seriousness that the 90’s brought. However, this could’ve been set in any era, I imagine a nod to the 50’s original, which I’m more than excited to watch now.

    Thank You Video Archives Podcast.
    Thank You Quentin & Roger.

  • Spider-Man 2

    Spider-Man 2



    Reminder that Joey Diaz saved Spider-Man.

    Friendly neighbourhood Cuban.