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  • Manhunter


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Recent reviews

  • The Killing Fields

    The Killing Fields


    When I was a fourth grader, my father and I saw this movie in the theater. That was the last time I watched it until now, and it always stayed with me. I’m sure nostalgia has something to do with it, but it hit me hard again now, 41 years later. The cinematography is incredible, and the true story is compelling.

  • Manhunter



    This is…not a great movie. Probably 2.25 stars, to be honest. Unconvincing and silly, the plot, dialogue, and pacing have all the hallmarks of an ‘80’s B-movie. And these flaws are really exposed by the much, much, better ‘Silence of the Lambs’ just five years later. Michael Mann’s weakest movie, by a distance, that I’ve seen.

Popular reviews

  • Heat



    I’ve probably seen ‘Heat’ 15-20 times. Saw it in theatre back in ‘95-‘96, owned it on VHS, owned it on DVD.  One of the best films of the ‘90’s, top five crime drama, and top ten all-time for me. The acting, the layered plot devices, the score, and setting—just elic movie-making and one of my go-to comfort films.

  • Thief



    For you Venezuela Revolution fans, ‘Thief’ is Mann’s Francisco de Miranda movie—the Precursor of what was to come, eventually culminating in ‘Heat.’ Caan is great in all his hirsute tough-guy glory. The Tangerine Dream soundtrack is dated, yet wonderful. Even Jim Belushi kinda works here. It’s not without its shortcomings—and ‘Heat’ is the better, more complete, iteration of Mann’s favorite themes—but overall, quite enjoyable.
