

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Aftersun
  • Coraline
  • Klaus

Recent activity

  • The Hateful Eight


  • Fantastic Mr. Fox


  • Wicked


  • Ish


Recent reviews

  • The Hateful Eight

    The Hateful Eight


    “Keeping you at a disadvantage is an advantage I tend to keep”

    Quentin sure does love his violence and slurs. Barring the over the head (head) explosions this one was very interesting, and the murder mystery, who’s lying and who’s just an asshole theme was an enjoying watch. The title makes it clear that none of these are good people, they’re all hateful murderous bastards in a wild west world that fits their characters like a glove. 

    For a movie that has only one setting for 80% of the whole film it sure doesn’t disappoint or get boring at any time.

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox

    Fantastic Mr. Fox


    You are without a doubt 5 and a half of the most wonderful wild animals I’ve ever met in my life, so let’s raise our boxes.

    To our survival”

    Wes Anderson certainly has a very recognizable feel to each of his movies, and from the bunch that I’ve seen, I believe this one is the most charming. It’s like Anderson and Roald Dahl are a match made in heaven.

    It was a very delightful watch with tons of scenes and…

Popular reviews

  • The Holdovers

    The Holdovers


    “For most people, life is like a henhouse ladder, shitty and short”

    This one was pleasant surprise, the christmas movie I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I did. It steers away from the typical formulaic “it’s christmas so let’s put aside our differences because of the holiday spirit” rather it actually gives an organic and emotionally fulfilling reason why these people (who hate each other at first) turn to see each other as family. 

    Christmas isn’t the main…

  • Perfect Days

    Perfect Days


    “Next time is next time, now is now”

    I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie in recallable memory that has made me smile and be happy this much. 

    Perfect Days I believe is the epitome of just wanting a stable, simple life, and in this simplicity, you learn to focus on the tiny little details that add up to brighten your point of view. 

    No other words can describe how much I love this movie and I’d highly recommend it to anyone that just wants to experience something calm and beautiful.
