Raka Kertanegara Pandjiwinata

Raka Kertanegara Pandjiwinata

A filmmaker in the making, studying in Jakarta.

Favorite films

  • Rear Window
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
  • Roma
  • Three Days to Forever

Recent activity

  • Scenes from a Marriage


  • Mare of Easttown


  • Devil on Top


  • Malcolm & Marie


Recent reviews

  • Scenes from a Marriage

    Scenes from a Marriage


    this got me wanting love and despising love at the same time.

  • Mare of Easttown

    Mare of Easttown


    I think this is the most truthful and realistic broken, flawed, and hurting people/characters in a film/series that I’ve seen recently. I've never been so scared to watch a final episode and be so disappointed in the first 10 minutes but then blew my brain away, pulled my heart out, and smacked my face with it all the way to the end.

    "Doing something great is overrated, people expect that from you. What they don't realize is that you are as fucked up as they are."

Popular reviews

  • The Earth of Mankind

    The Earth of Mankind


    ini film mau ngapain sih bingung, It’s so bland; acting is bad for most characters, pacing was very off and everything went to shit for 2.5 hours. 

    Kalo nonton film ini rasanya kayak lu dibacain satu buku dan bukan sebuah film yang dapat di nikmati. filmmaker nya takut mengecewakan pecinta source materialnya, mereka mau masukin everything ke dalam film tanpa mikirin the whole pacing and act. Saking takutnya jadi overwhelmed dan malah gabisa live up to the book itself so…

  • Fiction.



    mungkin di Indonesia tahun 2008 film ini lumayan 'ahead of it's time' kali ya dan dapet banyak banget perhargaan di FFI. Tapi kalo di lihat sama film - film setara saat ini agak keliatan klise dan memiliki kemiripan, jadi gua secara ga langsung compare Fiksi sama film - film yang udah gua tonton sebelumnya. what happened ya di indo tahun 2008 - 2010 han kenapa banyak film psikopat yaa,, apakah karena Sumanto? tapi dia kanibal bukan psikopat lol (reviewnya sedikit…