Men think they can outsmart women, but they can't because women are smart, while men often pretend to be. You play your cards with your wits, not chances. After all, you might bluff in a game, but not with life.
Quality entertainment!
Men think they can outsmart women, but they can't because women are smart, while men often pretend to be. You play your cards with your wits, not chances. After all, you might bluff in a game, but not with life.
Quality entertainment!
Life is never ordinary, and neither is a day. On a rough day, the heart yearns for peaceful dreams. On a "regular" day, it craves adventure. That's innate human nature. What makes a life beautiful or meaningful? The search itself is the answer. And the petty things we often overlook in life too. As the soundtrack in the epilogue says, "I'm feeling Good." Another great movie from WW.