Favorite films
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Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Caenivorous mutant slugs, surprisingly gnarly special effects and fantastic explosions don't make up for unlikeable characters, indifference or malicious intent for it's female actors, and a completely unmotivated attempted sexual assault scene where the perpetrator isn't punished with slimy sluggy justice. Don and Maria Palmer's marriage and scenes together were infrequent and unexpected bright spots. Kim Brady deserved to be part of the finally as opposed to sent away to stay with her mother until she could show up conveniently to kiss our protagonist for a job well done.
Great cast and a very tense first act. It was a lot of fun to see Hugh Grant playing against his usual type. I don't think I've seen Sophie Thatcher or Chloe East before, and they both did great jobs. The introduction was great for endearing the characters to is, and they have a fun chemistry. The middle of the movie falls on its face a bit and Hugh Grant's Mr Reed feels sinister but not particularly threatening (your mileage may vary). I don't regret watching it, but it's not a wholehearted recommendation.
It's so much fun to watch a 30 foot long animatronic alligator yeet people around. Robin Riker steals every scene she's in, and Robert Forster takes what could be an unlikeable character and makes him really charming and human. I love the really weird bit characters that are introduced every 10 minutes.
Heads up: multiple dogs are killed (not on screen) and the movie makes it clear that this is not okay (Alligator justice is swift). So just be warned.
Philip Seymour Hoffman is almost certainly the best villain in this series. He's menacing, cold, calculated, and even gets some good physicality in. Ving Rhames continues to delight in every scene he's in. This movie introduces Julia and Benji to the cast of recurring characters, and both get a good showings here (particularly Michelle Monaghan's Julia). JJ Abram's directorial style is a fun change of pace for this entry; he's good at framing action, while still giving us character beats…