Raphaël CD

Raphaël CD Patron

top 4 = latest 5 stars

Favorite films

  • The Apartment
  • Swing Girls
  • Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

Recent activity

  • Repo Man


  • Universal Language


  • Ocean's Twelve


  • The Long Goodbye


Recent reviews

  • Enter the Dragon

    Enter the Dragon


    just put the snake in the bag bro

  • I'm Still Here

    I'm Still Here


    Any Brazilian movie's average rating on letterboxd has to be taken with a grain of salt because they are obviously inflating scores with 5 star reviews, but this was very good regardless👍

Popular reviews

  • Danganronpa: The Animation

    Danganronpa: The Animation


    honestly a real crime to turn a 30-hour text-heavy game, where the mystery and the cast of characters are the main strength, into a 5-hour exposition montage that rushes through anything interesting

    watching this felt like tapping through Instagram stories of your friends at a concert; the subject matter is interesting and you can imagine it was probably great to experience the real thing, but it definitely doesn't make for an interesting product when you condense it down to a highlight reel of its most memorable parts

    play the game!

  • Babylon



    j'ai pas encore de review, mais je veux juste signaler mon incompréhension face aux DEUX (2) couples différents qui sont partis avec moins de 10min restantes à un film de 3h10min???
    ça leur a pris tout ce temps-là pour décider qu'ils aimaient pas ça????? ils voulaient pas savoir comment ça finit rendu là?????????