My Reviews will be be serious sometimes otherise they'll be shitposts
I also REALLY love dinosaurs
<a href=""" rel="nofollow">">Watchmen: Chapter 1 isn't the only film I watched on the plane.
Anyways so for a long time I believed I had already seen this film and loved it, however when I watched it I realized I only remembered the second half of it. I didn't remember anything from the first half. So I'm kinda considering this the first time I saw it.
This film is way better then the first one imo. The humor is a lot…
So I watched this on my plane back from London.
This film is actually really good, although there are some glaring flaws. For starters, the animation is terrible. It honestly should've been either completely 2D or completely 3D. But instead it tries to be a hybrid of both and it fails terribly. It ends up looking really stiff. The movie is also paced a little too fast. At times it made me wonder if they even skipped scenes from the…
I decided to watch this to kill time on a 9 hour flight, but I was tired as fuck so fell asleep a few times while watching it
However despite that, I was able to follow the story very well, connect with the main character and his struggles, and find genuine entertainment as well as pain when bad stuff would happen to him. So the fact that I was able to be this invested with the emotion, acting, character development,…
The only problem with this version specifically is the removal of certain songs. Ik this is technically a concert and not like a broadway or west end recording but it still tells the story of les mis. So cutting songs like The Robbery, Valjean's Confession and Marius' part of Beggars at the Feast ends up leaving some aspects of the story confusing. Without the Robbery we never see Marius fall in love with Cosette, nor gain the knowledge that she's…