Aunt Lucy says, if we are kind and polite, the world will be right
Joined on January 1st, 2019
My 1000th film !
I knew I needed to do something special for this personal milestone and I ended up with the perfect choice. Her films do something for me physically that I can't really explain. The slowness and quietness of them are something that I can't really relate to anything. The vast emptiness of the landscapes, her characters, the fact that nobody speaks, it all works for me and I love it. This film in particular I love due…
I wasn't expecting to cry this hard and now I am extremely sad. That just goes to show how beautifully sad and real this is and I loved every second of it even though Michelle Williams made me want to die. My favorite Reichardt up till now.
Watched it in ap lit. Just sad.
Good book, terrible movie.