
Brian Pro

I love movies, but I have more blind spots than a Mack truck without its mirrors. Trying to slowly but surely correct this!

Favorite films

  • Amélie
  • The Dark Knight
  • Her
  • Sunset Boulevard

Recent activity

  • High Fidelity


  • The Visitor


  • Inspector Ike


  • The Swimming Pool


Recent reviews

  • High Fidelity

    High Fidelity


    A fun time capsule and a portrait of a form of masculinity that is now obviously revolting (which is funny because this also very recent). Nevertheless I really enjoyed the movie? Not sure what that says about me haha.

  • The Visitor

    The Visitor


    A touch too much of the white savior trope and with a climax that doesn’t feel terribly cathartic. Good acting from Jenkins though.

Popular reviews

  • Nursery Rhymes

    Nursery Rhymes


    The first minute and a half of this I thought it was going to go one way, and then the next three minutes it went another. For me, that’s an accomplishment with a short - to be so absolutely surprised by its direction. What at first seems to be drunken ramblings are something else entirely. The simple camera work here in particular was something to marvel at - I can’t imagine how long it took to get this nearly continuous shot. Loved this.

  • Marriage Story

    Marriage Story


    This to me is a master work because it feels so realistic - both of the main characters here have so much life and history to them that I almost feel like it’s OK that we don’t really get much of a portrait of their marriage despite the title. I say almost because it does feel to me at times that the strings are being pulled a little too hard for Adam Driver’s Charlie - we are told how Scarlett…