10th year anniversary on IMAX
Imagine watching 2001 on IMAX🤯
Tragic, haunting, sorrowful, undeniable. Waltz with Bashir is one of the truest movie I've seen. This is how cinema can do good for mankind. Pitty that just a small amount of people see this.
The most powerful movie I've ever seen after Apocalypse Now. The movie didn't even try to be awesome, it's the stories that are behind this movie that makes it so powerful.
After experiencing this movie, I never wanna see Disney's again, ever. What a shame cinema nowadays only delivers movies just for the sake of entertainment and money.
Max Ritcher is perfect for this movie. Powerful and tragic.
Was about to call it off 15 minutes in. Some of the blocking in the begining looks atrocious to say the least, gave the SNL vibe. But after resisting for a bit more it was on a cruise mode, and finished it throughout easily. Mundane, Cliche, typical impulsive teenage drama, misunderstood love story, etc etc was more impressed by the seemingly forgetful runtime with mainly focusing on one character, which typically associated with being overwhelmingly overdelivered. idk lol it was great