

living for the moments between the frames. a cinephile’s journey through light and shadows. 🎥✨🌒

Favorite films

  • The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
  • Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief
  • Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Recent activity

  • Guardians of the Dafeng

  • Nezha: Demon Child is Back


  • A River Runs Through It

  • Mysterious Lotus Casebook


Recent reviews

  • Nyla



    nyla tuh animasi lokal yang bener-bener bikin aku kaget—in a good way. animasinya rapi banget, detailnya cakep, apalagi pas ngeliat kain tenun sumba dan lanskapnya. nggak cuma visual, vibe filmnya juga dapet banget.

    walaupun ceritanya sederhana, aku suka gimana mereka ngangkat isu tentang mimpi dan tradisi tanpa terasa maksa. ada momen-momen yang bikin hati anget, tapi juga bikin mikir. soundtrack-nya? keren banget. lagu dari jkt48 nambahin emosi film ini, meskipun aku bukan fans berat mereka.

    yang paling bikin aku kagum…

  • Lady Bird

    Lady Bird

    Absolute borefest, couldn’t stand it. Thought it was supposed to be deep, but it was just empty 😦

Popular reviews

  • There's Something in the Barn

    There's Something in the Barn


    What the hell is this movie? The plot is all over the place—things happen out of nowhere with no real explanation. It’s like they just threw random events together to fill time. And the dad? What a useless character, totally clueless, like a lost sheep. These people show up to take a house that clearly belongs to the elf, and somehow they’re the good guys? The elf is the villain for defending her home? Are you kidding me? From the…