Life small but movies big.
Aspiring Movie Watcher.
The way I tend to give ratings off of movies in this realm is how they make me feel or if they make me feel. Wasn’t just a banger movie straight out the gates so if it evokes strong emotions, I tend to like it. Made me feel very unsettled with the marital situation and irritated. All in all was a good movie, but it lacked a lot of depth and interest. All the movie stemmed off for me was the taboo and atmospheric tension. Definitely not horror or scary, thriller maybe, but really feels just like a soap with prominent actors and good cameras
This was such a trip.
Super based Chad energy from Adrian and I loved it.
Honestly don’t know how to respond to this just cuz it was super real to me and I don’t want to really know what is and what isn’t or if at all it’s real lmao
I belly laughed so hard at some of the moments it was really fun