πŸ§› Mr. Morbillionare πŸ§›

πŸ§› Mr. Morbillionare πŸ§›

Favorite films

  • Back to the Future
  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

Recent activity

  • The Fall


  • Flow


  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1


  • Godzilla vs. Megalon


Recent reviews

  • The Fall

    The Fall


    A rare breed of cinematic hollywood storytelling with the thoughtful meticulousness of an indie film. The acting, the storytelling, the locations, the cinematography, the costumesβ€” all of it feels so intentional and thought out. There’s clear passion that jumps off the screen. A deserved cult status for a movie of it’s time, but also one that came out too early to be appreciated.

    Okay hear me out, it’s kinda similar to The Queen’s Gambit. An adaptation of a 1980s story,…

  • Flow



    Story meanders like the ebb and flow of a wave. There’s not much meat on these bones, but sometimes there doesn’t need to be.

Popular reviews

  • Kill Bill: Vol. 1

    Kill Bill: Vol. 1


    Tarantino showing off his impeccable taste. Everything is dripping in sauce, The Pussy Wagon, the anime scene, the Crazy 88, Hatori Honzo, The 5,6,7,8’sβ€” to even the most inspired musical references and casting choices. Masterpiece, no notes it was fated to become an instant classic back in 2003.

  • The People Under the Stairs

    The People Under the Stairs


    This movie has it all! A gimp suit, a dog getting electrocuted, useless cops, the Discovery Zone playground hidden behind a wall, incest, a Scrooge McDuck sized horde of gold coins, pasty basement dwellers, and the indescribable catharsis of when a certain someone falls into the shit juice.

    When New Jack Swing classic, Do The Right Thing played at the end, I knew I was watching CINEMA.