Cinefreak Refat

Cinefreak Refat

Ordinary guy , bit of confuse bit of curious and confident. Love to watch movie and hang out with Books.

Favorite films

  • Saving Private Ryan
  • The 400 Blows
  • The Pianist
  • Lawrence of Arabia

Recent activity

  • The Hateful Eight


  • Knight of Cups


  • The Revenant


  • The Lobster


Recent reviews

  • The Hateful Eight

    The Hateful Eight


    Well crafted script total Tarantino triumph
    Ignore Hater just drown Tarantino's ultra panavision 70 mm Vicious , humorous and smartly crafted caliber narrative. Historic judgement of his own auteur style massively visualized on juicy cold whiteland where some white wolf hunting for Black blood. sharp-witted dramatic monologue remained aftermath of Civil war era begins with ordinary introducing of character's. Tarantino quite brightly jumped with his regular sense of humor and his romanticism of old western behind of 70 mm's large…

  • Knight of Cups

    Knight of Cups


    Script - 5/5 , Cinematography - 5/5 , Sound mixing- 5/5

    Knight of cup highly profound movie , it started with Pilgrim Progress word's that define human as odysseys who drifting , hunting to know why he come and what for ... it is so old discussion that glanced on movie related existentialism philosophical term. Malick after his Tree of life where he debated in visual mood about Human eternity towards religion and science, Big bang theory applied quite purely.…

Popular reviews

  • Miller's Crossing

    Miller's Crossing


    Beside Fargo or Barton Fink beginning of 90 Coen brother glanced stylish ,Deep and unconventional periodical gangster film that has far difference with Hollywood gangster flick like Godfather or Goodfellas. Visually stunning Barry Sonnenfeld covered frame aesthetic quite momentously. Plot has great sense of humor deal serious subject with some strong rational climax and twist. Character treatment was so splendid as i remember my experience of watch this classic. Recommended for any movie buff to watch ''Miller's crossing'' for enjoy an unusual cinematic pleasure .

  • Contempt



    Among of my Godard experience i enjoy Contempt Hugely and catch his approach more honestly . Contempt deals parallel view of very corporate world's hungry socio-culture aggression towards art and cinema all over that Godard didn't compromise with his position. there exist few human being with their Consumer thought and capitalist takes chance to grabbed them. They consider but Artist never consider with their ethics in this movie famous director Fritz lang's Oydssey de-construction philosophy couldn't suit with Hollywood producer…
