spilling of my notebook :P
- "film student"
- film programmer & curator
- rookie film critic & analyst
- aspiring publicist
when viet meets nam under the world crust, "devouring" make out session amidst discrimination and the nation inconvenience living on earth surface. scarred post war generational trauma, succumb to human traffickers in order to flee to other continent.
maybe buried alive with your lover near a mine bombing site a hundred miles below is much better than living in shades.
ya Allah my biggest fear about losing memories in physical copy, the places, the people, the imagery of memories itself cause of brain damaging disease.. perfectly combined and potrayed in this film. breaks my heart of how so far removed was the old vhs records contradicts the now vision with the same yet different people reacted differently. the contrast between glitchy yet lively vhs record next to vivie clear yet cold and emotionless visions shooting the same characters.
some things and someone are not replaceable
people changed yet some things stays the same
Film slow paced tentang maraknya pelecehan dan pemerkosaan di pulau Rote.. awalnya saya kira tentang sudut pandang wanita hidup di Rote, keluarga dan kultur budayanya.. tapi ternyata..
watched at Cinema XXI Empire Jogja
(apakah valid kasus tersebut kerap terjadi dan populer disana? mengapa harus topik tersebut harus dipilih untuk merepresentasikan Rote?)
Live review written while watching
Menganut jalan cerita lamban (slow pace) kisah kehidupan keluarga di Rote benar - benar dikuliti. Penulisan naskah yang kompleks dan poetik merupakan poin…
"punya cita - cita besar malah jadi budak di negeri sendiri"
Perjuangan kehidupan pencari nafkah para awak kapal pesiar yang tiada beda dengan para penumpang gelap selundupan mafia human trafficking
watched on Netflix, Jakarta 20 April 2024.
Robby Ertanto selaku sutradara mempunyai ciri khas kecenderungan mengangkat topik2 minoritas nan sensitif untuk diperkenalkan pada masyarakat luas. Dalam ini ia coba menggambarkan kisah hidup sepasang kekasih TKI yang dijanjikan bekerja di Singapura namun terjebak untuk bekerja menjadi awak kapal. pria menjadi…