Film Director.
Dir/writer : The Strange Case Of Teresita (2022)
Dir/writer : The Encroacher (2024)
Sarajevo Talents 2023
When you watch this movie for the second time you understand not just the story better but also how beautiful the camera, editing and sound effects are used in this masterpiece.
Some reasons why The Whale (2022) should be the next film you should watch:
The Whale is a very easy-to-understand film, as it doesn't hide anything significant, and even what it covers in the beginning is revealed in the end. But Darren Aronofsky doesn't seek to hide secrets in this work, he doesn't create gimmicks, he doesn't challenge our logic (in fact, there are many illogical things for a seemingly realistic film), he aims to challenge our emotions and, why…
Wes Andersson's Asteroid City is like Looney Tuns, full of fantasy, amazing production design, a lot of characters and without a story.