Ricardo García Mainou

Ricardo García Mainou Pro

Favorite films

  • Casablanca
  • Three Colours: Blue
  • Blade Runner
  • The Godfather

Recent activity

  • Room 237


  • Zero Day


  • Totenfrau- WOMAN OF DEAD


  • Fargo


Recent reviews

  • Zero Day

    Zero Day


    De Niro is great. Acting is pretty good all around with three exceptions: Angela Basset is never believable as the Kamala Harris’ as POTUS. Matthew Modine is all shticks and grand standing in his portrayal of a Kevin McCarthy speaker. And Lizzy Caplan as the ex president daughter / congresswoman seems lost. 
    This is one of Netflix special limited series that won’t hold beyond the starting premise.
    Conspiracy plot painted by numbers only risen by good production values, but nothing in it makes sense. FE: the sleeping arrangements of some of the characters (that have a workday in Washington DC. and sleep in apartments in NYC).

  • Mr. Inbetween

    Mr. Inbetween


    Just brilliant.

Popular reviews

  • Bullet Train

    Bullet Train


    I get the derivative hyperviolent Ritchie knockoff, postTarantino, up to 11, tongue in cheek they tried to do here. And it is a stupid, gratuitous, a bit insulting, leave your brain at the box-office, kind of an action flick. Didn’t care about any of its badly drawn stereotypical antihero assassins. 
    Movie tries to ride on Pitt’s charisma, and it’s not as cute as it thinks it is.
    Leitch is just trying to outdo Deadpool by doubling on everything, blind (again) at what actually worked there. It’s clear he thinks he gets it (the right mix of ironic comedy and violence), but he doesn’t.

  • I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine

    I Spit on Your Grave III: Vengeance Is Mine


    Awful beyond words. Unwatchable. Is there a third of a star rating?