

Favorite films

  • The Royal Tenenbaums
  • Dinner in America
  • Scream
  • Shrek

Recent activity

  • GoodFellas


  • Challengers


  • Scream


  • The Royal Tenenbaums


Recent reviews

  • GoodFellas



    my two favorite parts of this movie:

    business bad? fuck you, pay me. oh, you had a fire? fuck you, pay me. place got hit by lightning huh? fuck you, pay me.

    and robert de niro serving absolute face while sunshine of your love plays and the camera slow pans in on him

  • Challengers



    i watched this movie on the airplane and when boys kissed i noticed a little girl like aged 8 was breaking her neck to see wtf i was watching so i morally had to turn it off and finish it a month later. i did rewatch boys kiss though

  • Scream



    ok me personally, ghostface couldnt get me on the phone because i assume every random number that calls me is a scam or a debt collector. anyways only flaw in this movie is not making billy and stu kiss

  • The Royal Tenenbaums

    The Royal Tenenbaums


    soundtrack based. characters based. plot line based. the only movie that can make me joyous about questionable borderline incest that’s also not incest.
