Rizky AS

Rizky AS

Shy and quiet

Favorite films

  • Knives Out
  • Moonrise Kingdom

Recent activity

  • Sherina's Adventure 2

  • A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


  • Our Little Sister


  • Eat Drink Man Woman


Recent reviews

  • Sherina's Adventure 2

    Sherina's Adventure 2

    Saya menonton film ini dengan niat hanya ingin bernostalgia dengan tokoh Sherina dan Saddam. Dalam beberapa hal, film ini berhasil memuaskan rasa nostalgia saya, ditambah dengan beberapa gubahan lagu lawas namun memiliki lirik-lirik yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi saat ini. Sayangnya, hanya tokoh Saddam yang memiliki character development yang cukup baik dan kompleks dibanding Sherina. Pun konflik yang muncul, meskipun mengangkat isu yang sangat penting, tetapi tidak dieksekusi dengan baik. Ditambah dengan adegan CGI ala-ala La La Land yang menjadi puncak dari kelemahan film ini.

  • A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

    A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood


    Tom Hanks aged like a fine wine. His charm and kindness as Mr. Rogers would make anyone sing the theme song of Mr. Rogers's Neighborhood on a subway! Oh, and make peace with yourself too.

Popular reviews

  • Our Little Sister

    Our Little Sister


    Hirokazu Kore-eda proves that the term "broken" in Broken Home doesn't necessarily mean it couldn't be rebuilt with much stronger bonds than before if you forgo the hatred, being unselfish, and encourage a dialogue. This is a rare film that nearly did not show the conflict explicitly during the 2-hours duration and yet, you could understand the problem that the characters had to endure in their lives respectively. I watched this film with joy (and tears too) after Suzu finally had a place that she could call "home".
