Ganne Guy

Ganne Guy

BAZINGA! - sheldon cooper
bazinga! - young sheldon cooper

Favorite films

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Beau Is Afraid
  • Parasite
  • Kiki's Delivery Service

Recent activity

  • Jojo Rabbit


  • Parasite


  • Oldboy

  • Train to Busan


Recent reviews

  • Jojo Rabbit

    Jojo Rabbit


    one of my all time favourites comedy mixed with gut renching scenes , a movie about hitler for the whole family to enjoy

  • Parasite



    power went out at work and i watched the first hour of this after watching it 2 days before and its so amazing , the way the pacing is done is unseen for a movie of this calibre trying to do what this movie is doing and trying to talk about what this movie talks about and doing it successfully is a masterpiece and there are scenes from this movie that will go down in cinema history what is the biggest compliment

  • Oldboy


    i have never been more disappointed by a movie in my life like i get it but it’s just silly seems something all the teenage boys would write up in high school while giggling and rubbing there hands together saying “haha this is so fucked bro”
    it’s just silly, the scare isn’t there the attachment isn’t there , there’s nothing left to hold onto by the end of my watching experience i was left with less than i started with…

  • Train to Busan

    Train to Busan


    i probably like this more than most people
