

Favorite films

  • Words on Bathroom Walls
  • Whiplash
  • Me and Earl and the Dying Girl
  • Kick-Ass

Recent activity

  • Coach Carter


  • Whiplash


  • Words on Bathroom Walls


  • Choose or Die


Recent reviews

  • Coach Carter

    Coach Carter


    Powerful beyond measure 
    “Our deepest fear is not our darkness but is our light”

  • Whiplash



    I love this fucking movie. So much. Could talk for hours about it istg. Literally left in distraught for it but good distraught, like a what the fuck just happened distraught but a good way.
    conclusion this movie is a masterpiece.

Popular reviews

  • Words on Bathroom Walls

    Words on Bathroom Walls


    This movie hit me like a brick. A brick that rushed through my window and shattered everything around it while taking me out aswell. I procrastinated watching this movie because I thought it would be cringy and so now When I finally watched and I am so glad i did. I have found a new favourite movie. Did not know it was possible to love a movie more than perks of being a wallflower, but the time has come. The…

  • Choose or Die

    Choose or Die


    Kinda boring:/ watched with my cousin and so it was fun but not thanks to the movie >:0