

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Barry Lyndon
  • A Clockwork Orange

Recent activity

  • The Wizard of Oz


  • Eraserhead


  • Freaks


  • La Haine


Recent reviews

  • The Wizard of Oz

    The Wizard of Oz


    i swear i saw Hans from Freaks (1932). waited for the credits and saw ‘The Singing Midgets as The Munchkins’ so that isn’t much help.

    not as happy as i thought it’d be. wasn’t the greatest mood setter when the film starts with a dog being taken to be put down.

    saw Surrender Dorothy and felt like this because of After Hours (1985)

    looking the cast up and seeing that neither Hunk or Zeke were homosexuals 💔

  • Eraserhead



    finally watched my first David “signed the Polanski petition” Lynch film!

    loved the droning soundtrack, really added to the ambiance.

    i’m not going to try and explain what i see the film as, but i thought i was the smartest man in the world when i realised what the title meant.

    Sissy Spacek mentioned????

Popular reviews

  • Belle de Jour

    Belle de Jour


    a story about people i don’t care about, filled with events i don’t care about. how has this got a 4.0?

    piss poor acting, dialogue with absolutely no subtext, characters with no redeeming qualities or personality…

    the only scenes i liked were the dream sequences. and they’re quite good.

    maybe i’m not the target audience for it.

  • First Blood

    First Blood


    both this and The Hitcher (1986) are masterful displays in silence. Sylvester Stallone is one of the best physical actors in this period, so giving him a role where he isn’t speaking often plays to his strength.

    some absolutely impeccable shots in this one. the cave sequence is beautifully made.

    wasn’t expecting to sob like a baby at the end.

    they don’t make them like this anymore.