James Leavy

James Leavy Pro

Favorite films are movies I’ve found myself deeply reflected in.

Favorite films

  • Aftersun
  • La La Land
  • Drive My Car
  • Anora

Recent activity

  • Heat


  • Mickey 17


  • Matt and Mara


  • He Got Game


Recent reviews

  • Heat



    De Niro and Pacino’s cat and mouse dynamic, ever switching who’s outsmarting who, is the powerhouse dynamic. There’s something of an understanding, and agreement, and honor between the two of them. Everyone else is really just set pieces for their game. 
    Perfect title. Love a crime movie that starts with the crime.

  • Mickey 17

    Mickey 17


    I think, I set my expectations way too high on this movie. It’s good, got my money’s worth off of seeing Robert Pattinson playing the Mickey 17 and Mickey 18 interactions. I liked the ending, but I don’t think the movie ever took itself seriously. It was a fun movie. Which is, fine.

Popular reviews

  • Dìdi (弟弟)

    Dìdi (弟弟)


    Love a period piece about a time when I was alive. It’s hard being an angry young kid for real. I love that all the characters are flawed, almost openly so. The romance was very well-written and felt organic. I’m glad it ended the way it did too. 
    It says a lot in who we pretend to be, to try and make friends. The life we want vs the life we accept having. Best picture nom incoming. Finally something giving Challenger’s a… challenge.

  • Queer



    Isn’t it hard, admitting you’re alone? The cloth you’ve draped yourself in looks nice, but it doesn’t fit quite right, and everyone can tell. 

    Then someone comes along, and they hold all your desires in the palm of their hand. Yet still, it’s a half life lead on both sides.

    But that time shared is proof enough, that your existence mattered so much. 

    Ain’t you Queer?
    I’m not Queer, I’m disembodied.