
rkl Pro

Favorite films

  • Glengarry Glen Ross
  • The Fountain
  • Mommy
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel

Recent activity

  • An Update on Our Family


  • Beware the Slenderman

  • The Institute


  • Charli XCX: Alone Together


Recent reviews

  • Capturing the Friedmans

    Capturing the Friedmans


    Rewatch 2025.

    Capturing The Friedmans is such a weird documentary in the sense that I always forget just how captivating it gets after a couple of minutes. When the threads starts to unnest and you really start asking yourself questions about the case.

    Either way this is such a horrific but fantastic documentary that was well worth a second watch!

  • MoviePass, MovieCrash

    MoviePass, MovieCrash


    I think this documentary should have been made in like 5 years or so - made way to early with no real "meat". I think it is trying to say something but it just ends up saying nothing.

Popular reviews

  • Take Your Pills

    Take Your Pills


    #takeyourpills on Netflix could have been an insightful documentary about the abuse of ADHD medication in college and the workplace. Instead, it was an attack on the medication itself and the people who take it. Zero peer reviewed research. Misinformed ignorance.
    @HowToADHD - Twitter - 2018-03-17

    I spent the majority of my morning discussing this movie even before I saw it. It was kinda weird hearing so much about a movie that’s been completly out of my radar. What was…

  • Solsidan



    Sorry English-speaking followers; this review will be in Swedish.

    Det finns något väldigt intressant i att skriva recension på en film som är en direkt uppföljare av drygt 18 timmar TV-serie. Betygsätter jag filmen i relation till serien? Betygsätter jag filmen som att det vore något helt fristående? Behandlar jag det hela som att det vore en ny säsong? Betygsätter jag allt som allt tidigare säsonger inräknat.

    Det som är svårt med “Solsidan” är att nästan alla karaktärer tyvärr faller…