Savage that they made the effigy without her fingers 💀
A "musical" that somehow made 13 Oscar Nominations. I think it must've been a joke?
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Savage that they made the effigy without her fingers 💀
A "musical" that somehow made 13 Oscar Nominations. I think it must've been a joke?
A film that expands on the first one as much as an egg rots in a fridge. More questions, no answers. Just absolute confusion.
"Be careful, he's a virgin!"
A flying start in terms of action, choreography & comedy grandeur falls flat on its arse by the halfway point where the writing deviates so many times on itself in such quick intervals.
The Wrecked Pursuers Down Under.
A dark and hellish insight into the experience of an ex-convict by day and by night, a singer known as 'The Nightingale', Clare struggles to survive her life serving a cruel and animalistic colonial regiment who's lieutenant neglects and abuses her on a regular basis. Things turn atomic when the lieutenant and his regiment commit a gross act of violence against Clare, pushing her to the limit and kick-starting her road of vengeance. With the…