
Robbob01 Patron

Favorite films

  • Ed Wood
  • Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair
  • The Lion King
  • King Kong

Recent activity

  • Prettier Than Ever: The Restoration of Oz


  • Blade Runner 2049


  • Madame Web


  • Get Out


Pinned reviews

  • Morbius



    Happy one year anniversary to this masterpiece. This is absolute peak of storytelling. Thousands of years after we are all dust this true peace of art will still be talked about. Shakespeare, Hemingway, Gilligan, Welles, Miyazaki, and Kurosawa could not top this even at their peaks. Truly the Citizen Kane of our times. When he Morbed, I cried real tears, real emotions something which I have not felt in a long time. The only reason this was not nominated for…

  • Suicide Squad

    Suicide Squad


    "What are we some kinda Suicide Squad"
    "What are we some kinda THE Suicide Squad"
    "What is this some kinda Quiet Place"
    "What is it some kinda IT"
    "What am I some kinda Citizen Kane"
    "What are we some kinda Godzilla vs Kong"
    "What are we some kinda Zack Snyder’s Justice League"
    "What am I some kinda Joker"
    "What am I some kinda Cruella"
    "What is this some kinda Shawshank Redemption"
    "What are we some kinda Parasite"
    "What am I some kinda Bo Burnum’s Inside"
    "What are we some kinda Clockwork Orange"
    "What are we some kinda Pulp Fiction"

Recent reviews

  • Madame Web

    Madame Web


    Rewatched on 2x speed in 240p on my fucking telephone with meme music mashups playing in the background. Still Absolute Cinema.

    Edit: this movie’s too god damn funny to be stuck at a 1/2 star so it’s a 10/10 now. If I’ve seen the movie 4 times and had an enjoyable experience every single time, how could it not be? Still hate it, but it’s a goddamn laugh riot.

  • The Girl with the Needle

    The Girl with the Needle


    I want my baby back baby back baby back

Popular reviews

  • Death Of The Rat

    Death Of The Rat


    Virgin creators: now we can have someone in a Mickey mask kill people

    Chad creators: Mickey learns to accept the inevitability of his (copyright’s) death. Costarring Oswald and Orlock

  • Dune



    Wait so they remade a David Lynch movie and released it on a streaming service so people can watch it on their fucking telephone, get real.

    Also side question but how do I give something 6 stars?