Robert Ingraham

Robert Ingraham

Favorite films

  • The Social Network
  • The Tree of Life
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Love Lies Bleeding


  • The Taste of Things


  • Deconstructing Harry


  • Yentl


Recent reviews

  • Love Lies Bleeding

    Love Lies Bleeding


    Liked this way more than I expected. It's a really good balance of style and substance -- just enough style to be really interesting while not becoming too contrived or derivative.

  • The Taste of Things

    The Taste of Things


    Obvious food porn praises aside, I really appreciated the uncynical male friendship vibes in this movie. Imagine having a bunch of bearded suit bros who got your back no matter what.

    Also- that sexy pear gives the peach from Call Me By Your Name a run for its money.

Popular reviews

  • The Knickerbocker Buckaroo

    The Knickerbocker Buckaroo


    A moderator has removed this review.

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    As with so many movies:
    Was digging the first half, and the second half lost me.

    Would have loved to see the version of this movie where the second half is her trying to become a scientist, or the version where she has to reckon with the bad person that she was in her previous life. All the interesting setup of the first half -- the stuff about the injustices of the world and her own complicity -- gets sidelined…
