"Oh, they have the internet on computers now."
A big YES for this one, but how many of these people would now have anime profile pictures and Terrible Opinions on x-the-everything-app?
“If all it involves is giving away my cardigan, I feel I should tell you I have another one at home.”
Magnificent. I love Anita Brookner, and have long been a big Anna Massey fan, so I’m so glad to have finally caught up with this. Some great casting, and the whole thing positively drips with barbed humour.
Might have been some plot holes I didn’t pick up on, but I either didn’t notice or didn’t care. People comparing this unfavourably with It Follows and complaining about the lack of an ending are probably not on the same page as me, where the weakest thing about that film was its swimming pool denouement. I’ve talked enough about horror films about grief, but this is a fine example, dealing with themes of generational trauma and abuse - from which…