Rob Eldridge

Rob Eldridge

Favorite films

  • The Lego Batman Movie
  • WALL·E
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
  • Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Recent activity

  • The Devil Wears Prada


  • The Lego Movie


  • Raiders of the Lost Ark


  • Fantastic Four


Recent reviews

  • The Devil Wears Prada

    The Devil Wears Prada


    Such a deliciously nasty film.
    I hated every minute of it.
    Meryl Streep.
    I loved every second.
    Stanley Tucci.
    A strange case of every character ending where they started, yet being such different people entirely.

  • The Lego Movie

    The Lego Movie


    Yeah it's just a ton of fun. I'm so upset that universal took the Lego movie rights off WB.

Popular reviews

  • Annie



    I used to hate Annie. Not her personally, but the musical as a whole.
    That opinion is based off the 80's movie and the abundance of Annie media.
    After this film, however, my estimation of Annie has risen. It's not perfect, but it is well made easy watching and, for a made-for-tv film, it makes fantastic use of its (approx) four sets and surprisingly good cast. It also feels very much like a filmed stage musical thanks to the spaciousness…

  • Thunderbirds



    Peak cinema.
    Parker was cast to perfection.
    Thunderbirds Are Go by Busted is genius. (No sarcasm here, I genuinely think it is a brilliant song).
    Hans Zimmer wrote the score?!?!
    It is the cheesiest movie I've ever watched and I will never get bored of watching it.
