

Dying very, very slowly.

Favorite films

  • Ratatouille
  • The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark
  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Recent activity

  • Notting Hill


  • Taxi Driver


  • Heretic


  • Pride and Prejudice


Recent reviews

  • Notting Hill

    Notting Hill


    Utterly rebarbative. This movie…*spits* is…horrendous. “What a fun silly rom com! I love Hugh Grant’s hair!” I command you: have dignity. This… this… ah, it is terror; it is incomprehensibly atrociously bad. I don’t like to name writers (they are implicitly vile, conceited creatures) but I summon Richard Curtis to answer for this abomination. I attacked Heretic for being hackwork but I must apologize for I did not know the meaning of the word. I am going to transform my head into…

  • Taxi Driver

    Taxi Driver


    I want to give this movie 0 stars because it is so unpleasant but I’m doling out a gentleman’s 3 out of acknowledgement for the craft. The score is really good. Sometimes when I review bad movies I’ll spin a “Wheel of Death” and do a fun little “execution” of someone who I thought gave a bad performance. This movie is about someone who spins the wheel of death in real life.

    Travis Bickle is the single most undesirable person…

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