Rocio Gil

Rocio Gil

Woman watching movies.

Favorite films

  • Wings of Desire
  • Pastoral: To Die in the Country
  • Fallen Angels
  • The Man Who Left His Will on Film

Recent activity

  • Black Dog

  • The Barracks

  • Emboscada

  • The Other

Recent reviews

  • Pastoral: To Die in the Country

    Pastoral: To Die in the Country


    okay... I finished watching it at 1:00 am and I'm not gonna sleep because I can't stop thinking about "forking paths". This film has two things that I love: metafiction films and Borges, and what a wonderful way to put them together!

  • Fallen Angels

    Fallen Angels


    This is one of my favorites movies. Every time, it just keeps gettin better.

Popular reviews

  • Leona



    Esta es la clásica historia cliché en la que un grupo de élite rechaza todo aquello que no pertenece a él. Debido a que se remarcan más las diferencias de estatus económico --más que las religiosas o culturales--, la sentí como una obra hecha por gente blanca y con dinero dirigada a gente blanca con dinero.
    Los personajes y las situaciones están construídos de la manera más superficial posible. Lo único rescatable es la protagonista.

  • Demons



    Matsumoto did it again. Like in Funeral Parade of roses, the characters can't scape fate and it is their doom. Every repeated scene is a reminder of that. I love Matsumoto's style and I love how he reinterprets the tragedy as something purely human.
