

Favorite films

  • The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
  • Blue Velvet
  • Moonrise Kingdom
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Recent activity

  • Prince of Darkness


  • A Complete Unknown


  • The Parallax View


  • Nosferatu


Recent reviews

  • Prince of Darkness

    Prince of Darkness


    La ciència ficció i la teologia són inseparables per la seua pròpia naturalesa, però què bonico veure-les tan obertament unides.

  • A Complete Unknown

    A Complete Unknown


    jo també vull besar apassionadament a qui m’agrada immediatament després de cantar una cançò desitjant la mort als líders de la guerra en un moment de màxim risc d’un conflicte nuclear

Popular reviews

  • Maborosi



    There's a ship that sails by my window
    There's a ship that sails on by
    There's a world under it
    I think I see it sailing away
    I think it's sailing
    Miles crashing me by
    Crashing me by
    Crashing me by

  • Tokyo Decadence

    Tokyo Decadence


    I was afraid it would be a film about empowering BDSM because I'm not into it, so I'm glad that the aggressive sexual scenes are a critique. I think that they could've developed much better the history of AI's loved one. The last part is slow and not very cohesive. However, the filmmaking is overwhelming and I feel that the director captures well the torture and danger that prostitutes have to experience.

    PD. I am disappointed because, while watching it, I expected a love story between Ai and the dominatrix.
