dr digital 🧿 🧿

dr digital 🧿 🧿 Patron

Favorite films

  • Dr. Mabuse, the Gambler
  • Scream and Scream Again
  • The Vengeance of Dr. Mabuse
  • Dr. M

Recent activity

  • On Falling

  • We Make Antiques!

  • Nezouh

  • Scorpio One

Pinned reviews

  • The Game

    The Game

    I don't like Fincher but I'm on a 90s trash binge and hoped I could at least enjoy this ironically, but it's an insult to the word 'trash'. This is maybe the stupidest film I've ever seen and I'm absolutely baffled at how anyone could take it seriously. Maybe I'm actually in "the game" and all these positive reviews on Letterboxd are planted by CRS to make me mad.

  • The Spiral Staircase

    The Spiral Staircase


    A marvellous mansion murder mystery movie with a mute miss, a magnanimous medic, a mischievous maid, a mustachioed man, a misfortunate mistress, a mistaken miscreant, a well-meaning meddling mother, a misguided murderer and a misbehaving mutt .

Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Havoc


    Who wrote this shite? A fourteen year old??

  • Ander



    The fact this was shot on video is more shocking than the scene where someone gets bummed while puking into a urinal.