(for movie club)
was really on board for the first 2 acts but petered out hard by the end
the single most exposition and ex machinas i’ve ever seen in a movie. was genuinely so bored for the first 2 hours of this and no amount of tom cruise trying to kill himself in the final act could save it at that point. absolutely no need for this to be 3 hours and what were all those closeups?!?! we didn’t get a wide shot in the first hour of this thing!!
one of the more disappointing movie experiences recently, was looking forward to this one.
i remember looking up when this was coming out while i was in high school… gotta be my most anticipated piece of media ever 🤠 has still easily topped all expectations after two episodes
fav animals so far:
ep. 1 (coast):
Sea Angel, hilariously weird little fella
ep. 2 (ocean):
Angel Shark, probably the best feature i’ve ever seen in a nature doc and my new nightmare fuel