Proud hater, born to hate 🦅
Often mood and weed influenced
Definitely a bit shallow but it’s been a while since I went to the cinema again so that was a nice experience.
Not too interesting character study, little bit stereotypical. But the lightheartedness of it all seemed cute. All the deep underlying themes stayed quite surface level which made me wonder why he played an emphasis on them at all, i think it all was a bit weak storytelling.
Stunning performance by jan and janette. I am speechless. The puppeteering was masterful. The visuals on point. Storytelling couldn’t be better. The dutch experience could not get more accurate than this. Who knew the dutch weather could save us all?
This is one of those vague intellectual films i don’t understand shit of, love it.
I can also appreciate the portrayal of delicacy in a film. Yet if I had more knowledge of mythology, I could probably have understood the film a little better.