

twenty-four artworks per second.

Favorite films

  • Fantastic Mr. Fox
  • Gattaca
  • 12 Angry Men
  • Society of the Snow

Recent activity

  • Society of the Snow


  • Dune: Part Two


  • Fantastic Planet


  • 12 Angry Men


Recent reviews

  • Society of the Snow

    Society of the Snow


    Haven't cried so many tears of joy in a while.
    Truly great story told through a beautiful performance that the oscars academy cannot appreciate because it's not american enough (ironically).

    Had me and my mom screaming at the tv but if the neighbors called I'm sure they would understand after watching the ending of this film.

  • Dune: Part Two

    Dune: Part Two


    One of those movies you just have to see at the cinema, the sounds and visuals can't be wasted on a normal tv and the plot needs your full attention.

    It's the type of sci-fi you see in "All Tomorrows"
    by C. M. Kösemen playing into biological aspects rather than technology, which makes it all very nauseating, in a good way.

Popular reviews

  • Fantastic Planet

    Fantastic Planet


    French people doing drugs doesn't sound like such a bad idea when you watch this movie.

    Explaining such a taboo topic by showing little people in funny costumes being chased by blue aliens with their titties out sounds french already, but the language really puts it all together.

    Wouldn't recommend watching under the influence.

  • 12 Angry Men

    12 Angry Men


    Couldn't tell them apart for the first half hour, which in this case means the casting was immaculate.
    The movie was so good even my stepmom sat down to see the ending.

    I'd watch a slowburn debate with Henry Fonda anyday.
