depressingly unsurprising
spitefully have to state that it is more than evident that the academy, and industry as a whole, is unreliable, unqualified and oppressive that they gave anora an oscar instead of I'm Still Here or this film.
depressingly unsurprising
spitefully have to state that it is more than evident that the academy, and industry as a whole, is unreliable, unqualified and oppressive that they gave anora an oscar instead of I'm Still Here or this film.
10 minutes before the end: “haha when me and the work bestie get softly radicalized into sustainable living and community 🥰”
the ending: 🤨😰😱😳😦🙁😶🤔
once again hes made a slow, mundane and methodical film that is somehow still so insanely comforting, riveting and boundlessly captivating.
i am so gut-wrenchingly taken away by the entirety of this film. i am still gnawing and chewing on that ending and it completely rearranges my feelings i had about the movie for the whole…
the craft of the design and sets and visuals still stuns me and i love it but the effectiveness and core of the messaging sort of loses me more and more as time goes on.
i do recognize the way it delivers its feminist messaging does resonate for a lot of people but for me personally it is just so surface and uncreatively told and delivered that it takes away so much of the merit for me. i really dislike…
this is one of the best radical, political films about social critique ever made. it is so beautiful and impressive how well and eloquently this movie coalesces all these complex and complicated themes in a way that is immediately recognizable, especially if ur black and american. genuinely leaves you with so much to think about, especially if ur concerned with community reform and radical change