Ross Edwards

Ross Edwards

Favorite films

  • Rosemary's Baby
  • Mirror
  • Caddyshack
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey

Recent activity

  • Occult


  • Unstoppable


  • Broadcast Signal Intrusion


  • Wendigo


Recent reviews


Popular reviews

  • Zodiac



    This movie pulls you down into its bloody mystery and stifles you, a trajectory mirrored by the descent of Jake Gyllenhaal's Robert Graysmith, a cartoonist for the San Francisco Chronicle, from mild interest into all-consuming obsession with the question, "who the hell is the Zodiac killer?"

    The movie follows a group of investigators as the Zodiac killer reaps chaos on San Francisco. Hunches are trusted, exhausted detectives are frustrated by red tape, and Robert Downey Jr, portraying a crime reporter…

  • Love & Mercy

    Love & Mercy


    There's something magical about Brian Wilson, in a very unfortunate way, because I literally couldn't get through ten minutes of this movie before crying. My girlfriend looked over, astonished, but what could I do? The delicate naive musical genius simply grabs my heartstrings and yanks like a child's hand through gift-wrapping.
    You may take my hyper-sensitivity with a grain of salt, but trust me on this: the biopic's recreation of classic, timeless pop songs is as awesome as director Bill…