As a self identifying sauce man I would have liked even more sauce in the plot. But it would be nice if our demographic wasn’t only represented as white Christian fascists.
Rick and Morty + Severance + John Wilson
Went in expecting to love it like all of his other movies, but this felt so contrived and heavy handed… like Tarkovsky doing Tarkovsky
A shared phenomenon of schizophrenia and creative inspiration is the momentary bond created between seemingly 'unconnected objects' which crystallizes and fades away in a flash; the afterimage of which is burned into the retina of the mind's eye. Both the schizophrenic and the artist seek to trace and preserve that image before it dissipates, scrambling to construct a house of cards against the inevitability of its undoing. In 'Evol', Oursler continues his quest to explore a theme and its cultural…
Sentimentality oozes from this elegiac and turgid monolith. It’s like someone strapped down a Jacque Tati movie and tortured it until it’s final raspy cry birthed this silver slab of kryptonite for the tiktok generation. Taking place inside a failing theater, the specter of human behavior haunts the hallways and dilapidated behind the scene spaces, characters float as though animated by some silent spirit, showing up and disappearing just as quickly. Yet space and time are relative, and this movie shows how they can be simultaneously lonely and empty and crowded and suffocating.