Love to Tatum
Telling the truth can be dangerous business
the movie: the only thing I can compare it to is Annette, probably driven by the artifice of it all.. just as egotistical/maniacal was advertised, star performance driven & speckled with wtf moments pretty frequently
the experience: seeing this with FFC within the sight line was an unforgettable experience, the Q&A to follow is as rambling as it gets, but I’ll be damned it it wasn’t entertaining as hell
review: this is nuts!
‘Sorry I didn’t love you as much as I said I would. I really regret that now’
The ultimate divorce line
There’s something about watching an actor buy completely into a character with seeming unflinching confidence that is always a joy to watch
McConaughey, Martin Lawrence, Jonah Hill and Zac Efron are all great
The dolphin tour scene is pretty hilarious
Other than that, not too much here to write home about. Just simple and easy fun
Was 1st Harmony Korine... checking out Gummo next