I like Movies.
Not sure right now.
Feels like a much better show is hidden in here somewhere. I genuinely think the idea of Obi-Wan faltering or struggling with his past can be interesting. Him having to regain his belief by helping people and seeing the idea of hope in the galaxy. Just so much is messy and contrived at times so the show can get to the slasher helmet scene. A scene done better in an average animated show years ago.
Slightly more interesting setting and the fact stuff has to happen for the originals to make sense, means this is the best of the three. John Williams still saving so much of this trilogy.
Not like any Batman movie I’ve seen before.
It feels way more like a police thriller drama. RobBat is great throughout, he is Batman way more then he is Bruce Wayne, it’s like he hates life without the suit on. Riddler is this disturbed guy inspired by the worst parts of Batman and they work pretty well together. Music was a little disappointing but the main theme is great. Might have to watch again tbh…