Trying to get into movies lately, recs are appreciated.
I don't log anime stuff here.
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
A decent multiverse film, Benedict Cumberbatch plays his role really well like the perfect Strange.
Wanda actually felt like a proper threat, though I guess they randomly made her overpowered at least from my recollection.
One other disappointment would be the book of Vishanti like bruh, half the film they were trying to get it and it gets nothing done.
This movie is GOATED for spiderman movie fans, with all those cameos.
Three movies of the mc suffering, like how do you get a girl that falls in love with someone else every random week. That Bully Maguire part was cool.
Arnold was so fuckin baddass, this movie definitely hit way harder than the first one.