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Recent reviews

  • Ad Astra

    Ad Astra


    I liked Sad Boi Pitt's performance, and, yes, it's pretty but that's about it. I couldn't help but think of Anthony Lane's review when he said that Neptune's a long way to go for a family therapy session. A pretty mundane session at that. The plot can be summarized as depressed astronaut goes to ridiculous lengths to achieve closure re: big time daddy issues. The existentialist musings everyone seems to be raving about were superficial at best. He should've popped one of those "mood stabilizers" they were handing out - there's no shame in reaping the benefits of psychopharmacology!

  • Brigsby Bear

    Brigsby Bear


    "He told me it was for Canadian public access". 😂

    Sanitized and wholly unrealistic in the best way possible. Sweet without being treacly. I mean, even the short psych ward stint portion of the film had Andy Samberg bumbling around in it. This was heartfelt done right in my books.

Popular reviews

  • Raw



    This is like Claire Denis' film 'Trouble Every Day', except with undergrads, and a splash of Suspiria. I think I just don't find allegorical cannibalism all that fascinating, and the ending wasn't quite as surprising as it should have been. Nevertheless, the film did portray the confusing horrors of nascent adult/womanhood in a visceral, affecting way.

  • Christine



    "Life is hard enough without worrying about every little thing" says the wealthy old news station owner to Christine, our suffering protagonist. Thanks a lot for stating the obvious though, pal. For the neurotic, mood dystegulated citizens of the world, it just isn't that simple, as is shown with depth and sympathy in this well done biopic.

    The film seems to leave us with the message that unlike her colleagues, Christine can't stop the ever turning cogwheels of her thoughts/ambitions…