

Favorite films

  • A Ghost Story
  • The Fountain
  • Swiss Army Man
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Recent activity

  • Spiral: From the Book of Saw


  • Perfect Blue


  • House on Haunted Hill


  • Rumpelstiltskin


Recent reviews

  • Spiral: From the Book of Saw

    Spiral: From the Book of Saw


    I mean they tried?? I guess??

    Lame traps. Cringeworthy dialogue and attempts at humor. Chris Rock is hard to tkae seriously but he tried and at moments even succeeds. Takes the most boring parts of all Saw films (the police storylines) and focuses solely on that with a real basic corrupt cop story. Dares to dangle Sam Jackson in front of us only to underutilize him. The voice from the tapes is not doing much either. Did this need to be a Saw movie?

    Absolutely hilarious ending. Unintentionally so.

  • Perfect Blue

    Perfect Blue


    Inland Empire: the anime (except easier to comprehend)

Popular reviews

  • Take Me Somewhere Nice

    Take Me Somewhere Nice


    The biggest sin this movie comitted was not using the Mogwai song of the same way in any way anywhere in its entire runtime.

    Very strong, stylized debut that shows a lot of promise. The combination of roadmovie and coming of age has been done before, but she brings a unique perspective.
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  • Andrey Tarkovsky. A Cinema Prayer

    Andrey Tarkovsky. A Cinema Prayer


    I feel like I didn't need to see this and would be better off just reading Sculpting in Time. So guess what I just bought?

    It's not so clear to me what the purpose was of this documentary/film/eulogy? It did little more to illuminate Tarkovskys outlook on art than his interviews or the aforementioned book. On top of that it felt cobbled together. Which makes sense since it is simply a series of vocieovers from the man during his life…
