Tried to write something here to articulate just how this one made me feel, but can’t find anything that truly fits. Truly a special, special movie.
PTA’s 2/4 for me now. Definitely feeling his earlier work more.
Tried to write something here to articulate just how this one made me feel, but can’t find anything that truly fits. Truly a special, special movie.
PTA’s 2/4 for me now. Definitely feeling his earlier work more.
Such a joy to share this one with the fam. Accidental or not, Payne made the perfect feelgood flick for the holidays.
The more i think about the Batman the more i feel my opinions change. When the credits rolled i wasn’t sure i liked it. The movie is absolutely beautiful, and Pattison is the best Batman on the big screen BUT there is just so much going on. Maybe too much.
Having thought about it, almost every plot point is vital for the characters to grow, so i don’t really know where to cut the content.
The final confict is dumb tho, and the sequel baiting is jarring. Need to see it again to determine, if the plot points are actually vital.
All praise The Battinson
Welp, I’ll guess it’s time to download RDR2 again..