Favorite films
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
Don’t forget to select your favorite films!
I probably would’ve hated it had I watched this first. It’s very hard to follow and the constant voice overs were distracting. I knew going into it that it’d be a hot mess. So I certainly was disappointed. It was a fun enough watch for me personally but definitely not something I’d recommend. It’s a 3-3.5 star watch but a 1.5- 2 star movie. I wish David had more input over the Final Cut and the movie in general. I…
I just don’t like Bradley Cooper as a director. We get it Bradley, you want to win an Oscar.
His acting is good though. Carey was amazing but her character was underwritten. Did Leonard truly love her? When did she find out about his homosexuality? None of these questions were answered. It seemed like Bradley didn’t have a goal for this movie other than getting awards. Was this movie about his homosexuality? Career? Marriage? It did a sloppy job of…
Alert. This is NOT a good movie. This belongs with The Room in the “so bad, it’s good category. But it’s pure fun trash. Sweet Sweet Elizabeth Berkeley is trying so hard, but she’s too much. In the best way possible. It’s so over-the-top, acting wise. The plot is silly. Definitely one of the best “bad movies”. If The Room is considered the Citizen Kane of bad movies, then this is the Lawrence of Arabia of bad movies cuz it’s…